Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Math Enrichment

I went to math enrichment summer camp  because I like this summer camp.  When I went there I had to go to a specific classroom according to which grade I was going to.  I met a girl which I knew from third grade, Stocklmeir.  And soon we met a girl who became our friends too.  Later on in the day, first went to math class and in the afternoon we went to our English class.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Robot Talk

Robot Girl-happy birthday !!!
Robot Boy-thanks!
Robot Girl-what do you want do with all your toys? Would you give it to A someone with 10 toys or B someone with no toys?
Robot Boy-B of course...
Robot Girl- what if A is family and friends B is NPO/charity
... Robot Boy-I would still give it to B
Robot Girl-we robots know what's the right thing to do. But that's not what humans typically do.they always gift their friends and family who already have good stuff.