What are the three things that i would carry ?
by Ramya Kaja
My first item that I would carry in my suitcase would be a picture of my family and my grandparents. I would carry these photographs in my suitcase, because my parents are very important to me. My parents take me to so many places in the world where I learn about new things and especially have fun. My grandparents are very important to me too, because they would always come to my school when I was little, and I would tell them how things would work. I always remember bringing them to family picnics or parties and introducing them to everyone. Sometimes during the summer we would go to India which is where most of my relatives and cousins live. One of my grandmas live in India and doesn’t visit us much, so instead we go and visit her. Then theres my brother. He suppose to get in trouble, but most of the times I do. My family has lot of positives.
My second item that I would carry in my suitcase would be my kindle. I would carry this item, because reading is my #1 favorite thing to do. My kindle is very important to me, because I can read whatever I want whenever I want. My favorite kind of books are mystery and adventure books. Which I have mostly on my kindle. The Harry Potter series is my favorite series in the world written by J.K Rowling. Anyways, Reading is very entertaining for me, because if I’m bored all I have to do is pull out my kindle or a book and start having fun. Reading fiction books is my very favorite kind. It’s all about magic, monsters, and more unbelieveable stuff you don’t see today. I am a pretty fast reader as I get sulked into the book. I don’t really like reading out loud, because I never can pronounce any of the names really, but overall I love reading. I always wonder what a world would be without books.
My third item that I would carry in my suitcase would be my stuffed animal, Rossy, who is a little cute penguin. I like this penguin, because it reminds me of where I got it. Monterey Bay Aquarium is one of the most exciting places I’ve been to about sea creatures. It tells many interesting facts about sea animals and mammals. I remember the time I got my penguin Rossy, my brother had one too it was a bigger than mine(he called it Polly), but still I got a pink purse that came with
it and he didn’t so I was satisfied with myself. My favorite section was the penguin section. I loved it when all the penguins were smiling and going underwater and came back with fish. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is fascinating with so many creatures I hadn’t ever known before.
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